After listening to several podcast about the entertainment
industry I found some very important information one should be aware off. One
of the important things mentioned in the Trademark Productions podcast is how
to avoid having your business hacked into and have your information stolen.
They mention how hackers protect their identify by hiding their IP using proxy
servers to avoid having information tracked back to them. This can be used in
reverse to your advantage and help you protect your files from the hackers. You
can block your IP and use FTP severs to transmit files over the Internet with
almost no trace. This is very important when sending highly confidential
information that you don’t want anyone to see. Another great point was mention
in the Employment Law podcast, which talked about having to sign contracts that
have provisions. Some very important points mentioned include, know why the
provision is being made, know what was the original contract and know what has
been changed from it. You should never sign any contract unless you fully
understand all of the terms. The last podcast interviews recording artist Moby about
the future of the music business. He has several interesting points about the
industry including how he feels record labels are doing more to keep people
from listening to music instead of promoting it. This may sound crazy but there
is a lot of truth behind this statement. He mentions how Labels need full
control of to music to such and extent that if a radio stations play a song at
a time not mentioned by the label they go and send cease and desist letter to
the station. Music has become primarily digital and the record labels are at a
constant fight against piracy. They used to be the primary source where
consumers would get their music from but now with the Internet they are loosing
the battle. It is important to know how to protect yourself from hackers but it
is also as importance to know where to industry is headed so you don’t get left